Saturday, March 28, 2009

Justin Lo - Collection Of His First 3 Years

Justin Lo, the record-breaking singer, has released his very first compilation of his greatest hits, Collection Of His First 3 Years. This album contains all the popular and award-winning songs from his previous 4 albums. There are 28 songs in this album with 2 of them being new tracks in 2 discs. In my opinion, Collection Of His First 3 Years will be a great buy particularly for the fans who don’t have Justin Lo’s first 2 albums as both are great albums and even better than the last 2 albums. Furthermore, this whole package also includes a DVD with karaoke videos [KTV] and a music video [MV] for extra value to the hard-earned money of his loyal fans. I am a big fans of Teen... waiting it sell at Malaysia and I like the design of the CD cover... simple black and white and Justin looks so handsome~~...wahahahahaha

Date of Release: 27 February 2009
Language: Cantonese

Support Justin Lo, Get the original CD with Free Delivery at

CD 01
01. B.O.K [New]
02. 無言無語 [New]
03. 好人
04. Erica
05. 情歌
06. 男人KTV
07. 一句
08. Volar
09. 未输
11. 頭條新聞
12. 情永落
13. 我不是好人
14. 貝殼

CD 02
01. 三十日
02. Kong
03. 命硬
04. 我有今日
05. 红地毡
06. 决战二世祖
07. 山歌 - Feat. Kary Ng Yu Fei / 吴雨霏
09. 美丽之最
10. 云
11. 遲鈍
12. 信我
13. 兩個女人
14. Loving You

Karaoke DVD
01. 無言無語 (MV)
02. 好人
03. 命硬
04. 三十日
05. Kong
06. 紅地氈
07. 情歌
08. 男人KTV
09. Erica
10. 決戰二世祖
11. Volar
12. 未輸
13. 山歌
14. 一句
15. 我有今日
16. 情永落
17. 頭條新聞
18. 卡通歌
19. 運
20. 遲純
21. 美麗之最
22. 我不是好人

Friday, March 27, 2009

three news...

Teng teng is in sadness today....hmm i have been received three bad things today...first... norrr i have suddenly makes people angry already... hmm yea i know it not my wrong but yet i still will feel abit heart broken... I just wanna help.. and why I wanna do so much thing and keep on changing this and that? am I just like to show off?, it just because that was the last time will be together and I hope to do the best of what I can do for now... and now I feel like I don't want do so much thing already .. because what I had done was just bring the anger for people....just let it be... Whatever will be.... will be.... maybe this was a best way cuz I don't hope people angry with me...

lol... one thing havent gone from my heart another thing came to my mind.... my fren .... i am not sure either is real or not... she maybe just left 2 months of life... she is a person that been anti by our gang... secondary school gang... hmmm not say anti la just .. we don't like to communicate with her... because she is a quite hateful person... and then this personality makes us anti her... even though we have any birthday celebration or just simply go out have a tea, we won't invite her ...before this i heard that her health have problem but I didn't even ask her about this because I doesn't care and even don't bother about that... and now the god just giving her 2 months of life... eventhough i not really like her personality but yet we still have been friends for 9 years... now heard this news I feel what I have done to her before this was really bad.....

Today was pretty bad day for me..heard another news from my grandma... says that my grandpa was in hospital now.... will gonna leave soon...can says it bad news or good news? I don't know... my grandpa actually in logical should leave the world in one and a half years ago... is stomach cancer... I don't know what it call but I just know is the part of stomach... one and a half year ago... that time he was already in the health stage of can't help... he had suffered for one and a half years... and now he gonna leave very soon...this is actually good news or bad news? I don't know...

All this things make me think back a memory that almost two years ago.. when I just started my college life not longer... then suddenly receive my friend's (Weng) call says that "why that day you didn't come? " and I was so surprise.. what didn't come? come where? then he says that "xxxxx(name) was dead and that day is his 'pengebumian'.. (sorry i don't know what it call in english)..." he says that he though I will come but at last he didn't even saw me.. and I say I don't even know he was dead, no people tell me also...he is dead course of car accident when coming back from GT Highland.... a group of friends go to GT highland... 7 people go 6 people come back....say the truth if let says ah Weng didn't call me that day... I might not know one of my friend has already leave me and gone from the world...

Life is just like a glass... easy to broke... after the case of Mr.xxxxx... I always try to do things in my best.. to friends... to own works... to my dreams... and many more...even how hard the life I will also try my best because I don't want to be regret at the end... the god will suddenly takes away our life... friends are really important to me...

Everybody... close your eyes and think... do you have anything that makes youself feels regret?

Love and peace
~teng teng~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tree House...

Tree House....I went there on 20 sorry for late post up those photo... hehe... to celebrate my friend, Joey's Birthday....well hmm this is a romantic restaurant.. I can say is nice for the couples to went there for a dinner.. while eating you can also enjoy the romantic jazz ...the food...ok ok la ...wahahahaha but quite expansive lo....
The restaurant was up there...
the cashier...

haha I have no idea why they want to take picture under the fan...
ehhh me look ugly ....they too pretty le....

Tree House Bistro & Cafe
Address :
Terrace Level, Uptown 2
No.2, Jalan SS21/37
Damansara Uptown
47400 Petaling Jaya.

Contact : 03-7728 4622

Opening Hours :

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pretty Pink (Chapter 2)

Madoka yang berada di dalam bilik Persatuan Pelajar itu sengaja menutup pintu bilik dengan kuat sekali di depan Sorimachi. "Hari ini aku lepaskan kau, tapi ingat! Aku akan balas masa kem pelajar minggu depan!",kata Sorimachi di depan pintu bilik Persatuan Pelajar dengan nada yang kuat. Sorimachi yang sebelah tangan kanan menutup kesan gincu pada bahagian kiri lehernya itu kemudian meninggalkan tempat tersebut.

"Apa-apa jelah!" ,balas Madoka semacam perangai budak kecil di dalam bilik Persatuan Pelajar. "Ish,tak putus asa dia tu ya? Dia suka pada kau agaknya, ketua pelajar...",kata seorang pelajar perempuan yang juga merupakan ahli Persatuan Pelajar yang sengaja mengusik Madoka itu.

"Menyampah!" ,bentak Madoka.Tambahnya lagi ,"Baru tahun satu tapi dah berani tunjuk belang! Hari pertama dia jumpa aku, terus cakap nak buang solekan di muka aku. Sejak itu, dia tak henti-henti kejar aku".Merah muka Madoka selepas mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut.

"Kalau aku, aku tak kisah kejar dengan junior kacak macam dia. Walaupun dia muda dari kita tapi dia nampak matang".Pujuk Penolong ketua dengan nada yang agak miang. "Lagipun, tak payahlah bersolek semata-mata untuk sekolah saja".Pujuk Setiausaha yang begitu ikhlasnya.

TAP!!!! tiba-tiba Madoka memukul meja dengan tapak tanganya serta bermuka serius lalu berteriak, "walau apa pun terjadi, walaupun hanya untuk ke sekolah, walaupun aku akan terus dikejar... aku tetap akan bersolek!!! tambahnya lagi, "solekan adalah nyawa aku, nyawa seorang perempuan!!! Semua orang di dalam bilik itu senyap kerana takut kepada kegarangan Madoka.

Tiba-tiba muncul seorang pelajar perempuan yang bersolek tebal di depan pintu bilik dan ini menyebabkan kemarahan Madoka segera hilang dan bertanya, "Eihh! Apa dah jadi ni?!"

"Aku nak beritahu kawan aku yang aku suka dia. Aku cuba pakai alat solek, tapi jadi hodoh pulak. Aku tak boleh jumpa dia dengan muka macam ini!!! Jawab gadis itu sambil menangis. Dengan kedengaran kata-kata gadis tersebut, Madoka tersenyum lalu memujuk gadis itu dengan berkata, "Jangan risau. Aku akan tolong kau! Tapi kau kena percaya pada aku. Semua perempuan boleh jadi cantik dengan bantuan mekap!"

to be continue...

if anyone read this thanks for reading the story i wrote..if you miss up the first chapter, you can read it in my previous post of 'Pretty Pink'.

Love and peace
~teng teng~

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pretty Pink

Chapter 1

Semua perempuan boleh jadi cantik.Ada magik yang boleh kita guna untuk tampil cantik dan jelita... perkataan-perkataan tersebut sentiasa memberikan semangat bagi diriku sejak kecil lagi..

Cerita 'Pretty Pink' dimulakan dari masa persekolahan Menengah Tinggi bagi Madoka yang berumur 16 tahun.

"Janganlah kejar aku! Aku takkan cuci mekap ni!"

"Aku takkan lepaskan kau kali ni.Aku akan pastikan mekap kau tu hilang hari ni jugak!"

Inilah pekejaran dan teguran yang sering berlaku di antara Madoka dan seorang pengawas yang bernama Sorimachi untuk setiap hari persekolahan mereka. Dengan hal ini, mereka berdua boleh dikatakan amat popular di sekolah mereka.

"Selamat pagi, Madoka. Kena kejar lagi? Kesiannya kau." Tegur seorang pelajar yang sekali lagi melihat Madoka dikejar oleh Sorimachi. "Ketua, nanti ajar kami solekan mata tau!" Belum sempat Madoka membalas pelajar yang sebelumnya itu, seorang lagi pelajar yang merupakan ahli Persatuan Pelajar menegur Madoka dengan mesra.

Madoka merupakan ketua bagi Persatuan Pelajar. Dengan kemahiran besolek yang istimewa, Madoka sentiasa diminta untuk mengajar besolek. "Boleh! nanti datang ke bilik Persatuan Pelajar!" Dengan cepatnya Madoka membalas pelajar tersebut.

"Ahhh....!" Jerit Madoka apabila dia ditangkap oleh Sorimachi. "Jaga kau!" Bentak Sorimachi. Nadanya agak keras. Pada masa yang sama, dengan pantasnya Madoka sengaja melekatkan kesan gincu ke bahagian kiri leher Sorimachi lalu berkata, "Ah,Sorimachi Naoto, kau tahu tak yang pengawas macam kau nampak seksi tau bila ada kesan gincu pada leher? Kau dah langgar peraturan sekolah." Dengan reaksi Sorimachi yang terkejut serta marah itu, Madoka sambungkan dengan berkata "Oh...terlupa pula... Gincu tu jenis long-lasting. Kau kena pakai pencuci khas kalau nak hilangkannya." Madoka kemudiannya munuju ke dalam bilik Persatuan Pelajar yang berada di depannya itu dengan seyuman yang agak keji.

To be continue.....

For the readers really thanks for reading it. This is the first story that I wrote. It will be continue to the next chapter.. haha sorry for not writting it in english cuz my english not so good so i have to write it in malay so that i will feel more comfortable..

Love and peace
~teng teng~